Let’s Go Bowling
Good morning, y’all. Cold but clear today. Looks like rain is going to be in our forecast through Christmas this year. Now, I don’t have anything against a white Christmas, I’ve had a few in my lifetime. While a white Christmas looks good on TV and Christmas cards, the reality is a bit tougher. Keeping the grounds safe for pedestrians is quite the chore. Don’t need any “slip and falls” around here.
Anyway, if the good Lord is willing and the creek’s don’t rise, I plan on enjoying the season to its fullest extent. When I say season, I’m talking about the bowl season. Some of the minor bowls started today, and probably the only game that I watched with interest was the Cure Bowl, pitting San Jose State vs. Georgia State. Sadly the Panthers lost 27-16, but gave a good accounting of themselves.
Georgia State has been an up and comer, and the Tech hater in me desperately wants Georgia State to become the number two team in the state. It would be joy indeed if Georgia State could siphon off at least half of Tech’s recruits, the most talented ones of course, and leave Tech an empty cupboard. Georgia State also has an opportunity to make lemonade from the lemons discarded by the Atlanta Braves, with regard to Turner field. I’m really rooting for GSU to do well and become strong enough to hurt Tech, just not strong enough to hurt Georgia, of course.
Speaking of our Dawgs, who will be matched up against the Pedophiles of Penn. State in the Taxslayer Bowl, on January 2, it looks like the boys will be going into battle without a coach. Now, I know there are many among you who are asking the question, “and that will be different, how?”. I have to admit, I’m right there with you except for defensive coordinator Jeremy Pruitt. It seems like everybody has left Athens for their new gigs, and the head coach, Kirby Smart, is staying at his gig in Alabama until they win the national championship. I am an old man, and I have never seen anything like this.
In truth, I thought it was time for a coaching shakeup, and I am not going to mourn the loss of Mark Richt. Like the comfortable pair of brown shoes that have carried you successfully for many miles, Richt was a known reliable performer. But like those brown shoes, Richt had lost his sheen, and dare I say it, he needed to be re-soled. It seems like the University of Miami is going to take our old loafers and try to get a few more miles out them, I wish them all well.
My concern is for our kids who have been cast adrift while waiting for the new captain and crew to take over. I felt like at least with Pruitt staying through the bowl game that our defense and special teams would keep us from being totally embarrassed on national TV. Our offense was already a wreck, and if we had gotten close enough for a field goal, it might have been enough to beat P.S.U. I know that’s putting a lot of faith in the defense, but it was our only bright spot this year. I was looking forward to years of quality defenses under Pruitt’s tutelage. Alas, it is not to be.
Well, I guess us old timers know the only “constant” is “change”, and we’re just going to have to ride this one out. It looks like the new coaching appointees are qualified and everyone breathed a sigh of relief when all world quarterback recruit Jacob Eason, announced again this week that he is coming to UGA. If he is half as good as advertised, it looks like Georgia will have another NFL first rounder walking under the Arches. I can’t wait.
I feel like we have wandered in the wilderness for the last few years in our comfortable brown shoes. I’m ready to get these new shoes scuffed up. Who knows, we might even get asked to the prom now.